Monday, May 18, 2015

Some thoughts as I become a Bishop's Wife

A Bishop in the Church of Jesus-Christ of Latter-day Saints is a leader of a congregation or ward, similar to a Pastor or Preacher of other Christian faiths. I loved my Bishop when I was a little kid. There’s even a story where I cried for his help right in the middle of Sacrament Meeting when I got into trouble for being naughty. When I was 5 years old the Bishopric changed. In our church that just how it goes. Every so often we get called to do different things. It’s not something we have votes on or accept applications for and we don't get paid. We believe it is done by revelation from God through our leaders and we then choose if we will accept or decline the opportunity to serve. Most of the time that means trusting with faith that God will qualify those He chooses. A lot of times this includes going far from our comfort zones and working long hours and helping to carry some pretty heavy burdens all while juggling the "normal" things of life like family and work.  Well, I was a pretty precocious 5-year-old and happened to catch the new Bishop sitting at his desk with the door ajar. I still remember pulling myself up to the opposite side of the desk that must have been almost as high as I was tall and planting my elbows on the top and then hoisting myself into the air and swinging my feet as I stared him in the eye. In my most serious and grown-up-matter-of fact-tone I asked him, “So do you think you’re ready to be my Bishop?”

Fast forward to today and here we are. I sat next to my EC this past Thursday as he accepted the call to serve as Bishop of our ward. My heart was racing through a variety of emotions – panic and love being the top two – each trying desperately to overcome the other. I love my husband, I think he’s amazing and I know that he has so much to offer by means of wisdom and compassion in this role. But as I look back at my own question with the table turned I am not so sure I’m ready to be the Bishop’s wife.

I’ve known lots of amazing Bishop’s wives. They tend to be the kind of women that can cook, clean, entertain, exude confidence, inspire faith, serve others, wrangle kids, and still manage to somehow look fabulous. Me – well let’s just say that the first “meal” I ever made for EC was burned French Toast – not because it was breakfast but because it was one of three meals I thought I could cook. While I was in college my sink and fridge were legendary for overflowing with unintentional science projects. I still feel sick to my stomach at the thought of public speaking.  I’m thrilled if we’re actually at church before the sacrament is passed and the kids can survive a meeting without having a meltdown, forget actually hearing the speakers or the whole idea of “reverence”.  As for the rest of my list – my pride won’t let me even begin to describe how inadequate I feel.

I’m not sure how I came by being the Bishop’s wife except that EC somehow for all my faults loves me anyways. I am so thankful to him. Our entire relationship from even before we actually met has been founded on hundreds of little miracles that have helped me grow and strengthened my faith. Because of EC I know that God has His own timing and His own plan for each of us because God loves each of us. Our job is just to keep doing the best we can and have faith that God will make up the rest. Because of EC I know that I can be a little bit better each day and it doesn’t matter right now if I’m not all those things that I think a Bishop’s wife should be. I’m me and I’m trying to be the best person I can be - and to EC and God that’s enough.

I am thankful for this opportunity to give back a little of what so many people have given to us. I am continually amazed by the power of love and service to change lives. I am thankful beyond what I can express to everyone who has already voiced their support and encouragement, because as much as the panic is trying to overcome me and reign supreme, I know without a doubt that the battle’s already been decided and love will win – every time. Meanwhile I’ll just tighten my safety-belt and throw my hands in the air because if it’s going to be a roller-coaster of a ride then I’m determined to make the most of every minute of it.


  1. Thank you for your open and honest feelings. I feel you will both be amazing in this calling, and new journey!

    1. thanks Jenn! A lot of my writing is just because I have to organize my thoughts somewhere else besides my head and it was such a blessing yesterday for everyone who stepped up and helped me sort them out and today I'm feeling a little more confident! ::hugs::

  2. I've only been a bishop's wife for over four months, but there is one thing I know. Its not about how much you cook, or clean, or how well your kids sit through sacrament meeting, or how well you look that day (or any day for that matter). It comes down to this: Your faith, your support, and your desire to serve the Lord. You have those, so you will make a wonderful Bishop's wife. <3
