Friday, May 22, 2015

Life's Little Lessons: Cleaning the Lint Trap

Isn't it amazing the things we sometimes just don't know. As I'll admit freely I've got a lot to learn about all this homemaking stuff. There are so many little odds and ends that I'm picking up every day.

One of my most recent ones was dealing with my dryer. For way too long I've been struggling with it - all my clothes kept catching on the corner of the lint filter, it's ruined a fair share of clothes by pulling off stings and straps or creating holes and I just couldn't figure it out. Finally I decided I'd had enough and took a closer look. Common sense told me that the lint filter should be sitting farther down in the trap then it was. I'd been cleaning what I could see though and it didn't make a difference. I decided to see what happened if I put an old toothbrush down deeper into it. Sure enough I started pulling out gobs and gobs of lint. It was stuff that I just couldn't see or get to any other way. After I spent some time on it and got everything I could out low and behold the filter fit back into to the trap and the problem was solved.

I've been trying to make an effort and think about how my little daily experiences can teach me more about life. Well, sometimes I think we feel good when we make sure our visible areas are clean and taken care of but we forget to really reach down deep and fix the stuff that's hard to get. When we leave that stuff there eventually it builds up and starts damaging things. The good thing is that with a little time and effort all that stuff can be cleaned out and even though we may not always be able to fix the damage that's been done we can keep from creating further problems.

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