Sunday, May 31, 2015

30 Days of Grateful Living: Day 6


Prayer is probably one of the greatest blessings of my life. It is such a big part of my belief in God. I love that I can talk to Him at any time about anything and receive help and guidance. I can't count how many times being able to pray has been a blessing to me. I really believe that every sincere prayer is answered - sometimes the answer is yes, sometimes it's no, and sometimes it's not yet. A lot of that depends on what God knows is best for us. I have received all of those answers over time and over and over again and I've been able to see just how blessed I was that God answered the way He did.

Prayer is also a blessing because all my gratitude ultimately goes back to my gratitude for my Heavenly Father. He is the source of all my blessings. I think I'm not alone in realizing that I could probably do a lot better about showing my appreciation for the gifts He has given me. I believe a big part of that is just remembering to thank Him in prayer.

Today's challenge:
1. continue to write down how you are grateful for your family and God (it's been a few days so try not to repeat anything!)
2. say a special prayer of thanks to God - try not to ask for anything but just offer thanks for the things you have.
3. write down how you have been blessed by prayer.
4. find a way to act on your gratitude and think about how it makes you feel.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

30 Days of Grateful Living: Day 5

Like everyone else I've had trials come and go throughout my life. Times where the world seemed cold and dark and I just didn't know what to do. The most memorable of these for me was May of 2011. Within one month EC's father died, my mother died, we had a horrible stomach bug go through all of us (while we were traveling to be there for my mom's last days), and I found out that I was going to be having a baby again only to find out a little while later at our first ultrasound that there was no heartbeat and I would be miscarrying. I won't get into all the details of everything that we went through but it was hard. There were blessings in all of that as well though. We grew closer together as a family, we were blessed extremely by our friends, and God made it clear that He was still in charge and loved us. We learned that with God we were stronger than all of those trials.

So anyways, I couldn't talk about gratitude without expressing my gratitude for trials. It doesn't mean I have to like them or seek them or be happy about them but I can appreciate and give thanks for opportunities to strengthen myself, my faith, and my relationships.

Today's challenge:
1. Continue recording how you are grateful for the members of your family and for God.
2. Write down a trial you faced and how it has blessed you.
3. Find a way to act on your gratitude.

*as I went to post this on my FB page I found this clip and knew I had to include it!

Friday, May 29, 2015

30 Days of Grateful Living: Day 4

Welcome to Day 4 of our Grateful Living Challenge!

Yesterday's challenge ended up being just the right thing for me for the day. Throughout the day I'd been trying to be more proactive in choosing how to use my time but it was still a struggle because it felt like so much of what was going on was being decided for me by circumstance or necessity so most of the day was just trying to get done what had to get done. Thankfully EC must have seen the crazy lady look in my eyes when he came home and after dinner he took Monkey and Tiger out with him to go get some errands done so I had 3 hours with just Bear. Instead of just letting the time just pass I had to decide what I was going to do with those 3 hours that I was being blessed with to make the most of them

So for Day 4's Challenge I wanted to think about being grateful for our homes. When I was about 12 my grandmother's Christmas present was taking us on a cruise where we visited different parts of Central and South America. My own family had always struggled financially and too often I had a negative opinion of our home compared to the ones my friends and the other kids at school had. While visiting those other places I got to see first hand just how blessed my family was. I saw too many places where the majority of homes were shantys and shacks.

Those lessons can be easily enough forgotten though. It's just too easy to compare our homes to those around us and wish that they were bigger, cleaner, more organized, in a better location, and the list could go on and on. Even in the United States the number of people that experience homelessness are devastatingly sad.  (Although I have to qualify that with saying that in my opinion even one person that has to experience this is one too many - here are some actual statistics.) So today instead of grumbling about the things that still have to be done or lamenting that we aren't pottery-barn perfect let's just appreciate what we have and work to take care of what we've been blessed with.

Today's Challenges:
1. Continue recording things that are family members and God have done for us.
2. Write down what are are thankful for in regards to our homes.
3. Find a way to act on our gratitude.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

30 Days of Grateful Living: Day 3

Yesterday was really hard actually. I don't know what happened but it was just one of those days where I just couldn't pull it together. Still after taking some time to think it over I was able to end the day with gratitude and that really helped.

As I woke up this morning the sun was shining and the birds chirping and I feel I've been given a blessing of time.  I have been given a gift of a whole new day where nothing's gone wrong yet and I can make of it whatever I want.

Today's Challenge:
1. Continue writing down the things Heavenly Father and the members of your family have done that you are thankful for.
2. Write down a blessing that has come to you today simply because it's a new day.
3. Find a way to act on your gratitude.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

30 Days of Grateful Living: Day 2

So I hope you joined me in taking a few minutes yesterday to think about the things that our family members and God have blessed us during the day. Even though I'm thankful for my family and my Heavenly Father actually thinking about specific ways that they had blessed me during the day filled my heart and helped me love them even more.

Today's challenge is:
1. Keep writing all those and finding new ways that they show it today.
2. Write down some way that you are thankful for your body/health.
3. Find a way to act on your gratitude.

My sister is my inspiration for today's challenge. A few years ago she was severely injured in a work accident and she came close to losing both her legs. She walks today but with a lot of pain and assistance. It's been years for her of quiet agony not only for the physical pain but because there are so many things that she just can't do anymore - although stubborn as she is she keeps trying to find ways to do them anyways! :-)

At one point when it looked like she was going to have to lose her legs she wrote something that I've never forgotten - I won't even try to put it as elegantly as she did but the idea was that she was just thankful for all that she had been able to do over the years because of her legs and how much a part of some of her most special memories they were and even though she might not have those opportunities again she was thankful for the health in the rest of her body that still allowed her to live and love each day. It really made me rethink all my whining and complaints about my body.

Thinking about gratitude is good but I think we need to also act on it to see how it can really bless us. So hug your loved ones extra tight or go for a run or do whatever it is that speaks gratitude to you.

General Conference Review: Stay by the Tree

I’m so excited to be finally getting around to doing some reviews of the April 2015 LDS General Conference Talks. As always there’s just so much good stuff so I’m going to start right in.

The first talk I’m going to be sharing some of my thoughts on is “Stay by the Tree” given by Elder Kevin W. Pearson.

Since most of his talk centers around a story from the Book of Mormon known as Lehi’s Dream of the Tree of Life I thought I would start there. Lehi was the first prophet of the Book of Mormon, he and his family were asked to leave Jerusalem and travel through the wilderness and across the sea until they reached what we know as the American Continents. Along his journey Lehi dreamed of a tree with fruit that represented the love of Jesus Christ and was needed to obtain true happiness. Included with this he saw mists of darkness that made the journey to the tree difficult (basically the cares and tribulations of mortal life without God), a rod of iron that could lead people to the tree safely (the words of God), a great gulf where many became lost (sin), and a great and spacious building (pride) where people would jeer and taunt those who were at the tree. For a more detailed account you can read it here and here.

I’ve always been interested in how the different artists depict this story. It’s so detailed but yet with art everyone adds their own touch to it. Maybe someday I’ll be able to work on my artistic skills enough to come up with my own version of it.
image via
Some more of my favorites are here (have to scroll down to the bottom of the page), here, here, and here.

Like I said, I love the imagery and symbolism of it all. At it's core though, Lehi's dream is about what it means to find joy through enduring our challenges and continually partaking of the blessings of the Atonement of Christ. Elder Pearson said, "Enduring to the end is a hallmark of true discipleship and is essential to eternal life. But when trials and challenges come our way, we are often told to simply 'hang in there.' Let me be clear: to 'hang in there' is not a principle of the gospel. Enduring to the end means constantly coming unto Christ and being perfected in Him." It made me think of something my mother said often - there is no end, just endure.

A few seasons back we happened to get into the television show American Ninja Warrior. Elder Pearson's idea of not just hanging in there made me think of the challenges that the contestants face there. Basically to do well on the show you have to complete ever more challenging courses that contain a variety of obstacles. There are some who make the courses look easy - they flow through the moves with agility, strength, and perfect timing. Then there are those who struggle and show just how hard it is to make it through without falling or running out of time. Facing the challenges of life I don't want to be the one who's desperately grasping for missed handholds or stuck hanging on to a dangling rope going nowhere. I certainly don't want to find myself in the water with my course only half completed.

As I mentioned before, Lehi talks about five different groups of people he saw in his vision. 
1. the people that were in the great and spacious building that were jeering anyone who partook of the fruit.
2. the people who never realized there was a tree with fruit worth searching for and only looked for how they might get to the great and spacious building.
3. the people who knew about the tree and tried to press forward and find it but soon became lost in the mists of darkness.
4. the people who pressed forward searching for the tree, caught hold of the rod of iron, continued through the mists of darkness until they came and partook of the fruit but then felt ashamed by the mocking of the people from the great and spacious building and fell away and became lost.
5. the people who pressed forward searching for the tree, caught hold of the rod of iron, pressed forward holding fast to the rod until they reached the tree, fell down and partook of the fruit, stayed safe by the tree and did what they could to to help others reach the tree. 

I don't know about you but 1-4 are not the kind of future I want for myself. More than anything I want to be by that tree, continually partaking of the fruit and helping others come to the tree. This is what it means to me to endure to the end.

Elder Pearson shared 6 lessons from this vision that can help us endure to the end with strength and confidence.

1. Don't forget to Pray. "pray for strength to endure to the end. Ask Heavenly Father 'What more would you have me do?'" Prayer is so vital to being able to staying on the path that leads to eternal life. Prayer is how we communicate with our Heavenly Father and we need His help if we're going to make it through life's challenges. Elder Pearson's comments also suggest that if we are to endure to the end we must never become complacent in our devotions and service - we have to be continually taking the next step forward and seeing what more we need to do.

2. Come unto Christ and Be Perfected in Him. Everything in Lehi's dream points to the Tree of Life and partaking the of the Fruit. If we are going to endure to the end we need to have it firm in our minds that the only thing that can bring true joy and peace is the love of Christ and the blessings of His Atonement. Elder Pearson says, "We can fill our lives with accomplishment and well-doing, but in the end, if we do not enter into sacred covenants to follow Christ and faithfully keep them, we will have utterly and completely missed the mark."

3. Press Forward in Faith. I'm just going to go with what Elder Pearson said about this one too, "There is a path that leads to the tree of life, to Christ. It is strait and narrow, strict and exact. God’s commandments are strict but not restrictive. They protect us from spiritual and physical danger and prevent us from getting lost.

Obedience builds faith in Christ. Faith is a principle of action and power. Consistently following the Savior’s example produces spiritual power and capacity. Without the strengthening and enabling power of the Atonement, it’s impossible to stay on the path and endure."

4. The Book of Mormon is Key to Spiritual Survival. Elder Pearson said, "When adversity comes, don't let something you don't fully understand unravel everything you do know. Be patient, cling to truth; understanding will come...Search the Book of Mormon and the words of the living prophets every day, every day, every day! It's the key to spiritual survival and avoiding deception. Without it we are spiritually lost." I can personally testify to this one. As I was beginning to build my own testimony as a teenager it was based a lot on my love for and testimony of the power of the Book of Mormon. I loved the people from the Book of Mormon, I loved reading about them and learning from them and wondering about all the parts of their lives that we don't know. As I became a little older I realized that my struggles went hand in hand with lack of scripture study. I could see the difference in myself and how as I was "too busy" to spend time in the Book of Mormon it was 100% of the time because I was spending my time in activities that were taking me away from the Spirit. As I would try and re-dedicate myself to scripture study I would feel better about things and become stronger in my ability to make right choices.

5. Don't Be Distracted and Deceived. This goes a lot with #4 but with so much going on around us we have to be diligent and focused on the things that are most important. When we lose focus and get distracted or allow ourselves to be deceived we will find ourselves struggling in that gulf of misery that Lehi spoke about and at least for me that's exactly what sin feels like - a murky, muddy whirlpool where I feel stuck or barely able to tread water. When we aren't carefully choosing the path that leads to the tree, we will find ourselves wandering toward that great and spacious building full of empty promises. As Elder Pearson describes, "[it is] filled with well dressed people who seem to have everything. But they mock the Savoir and those who follow Him. They are 'ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.' They may be politically correct but they are spiritually lost."

6. Stay by the Tree. Before studying this talk I had never thought about why in Lehi's dream the atonement as symbolized as a fruit. In looking at it now I wonder if it's because we crave continual nourishment from it - it is necessary not only for our happiness but our survival to partake of it continually. To continually nourish ourselves we must stay by the tree.  Elder Pearson testifies that there are blessings that come from staying by the tree and continually partaking of the fruit. As we continually partake of the fruit and yield our hearts to God, the Holy Ghost changes our very natures, we become more deeply converted to the Lord, and we no longer seek the spacious building.

Some of the other thoughts I really liked from Elder Pearson's talk:

"Once we enter into covenants with God, there is no going back. Giving in, giving up, and giving out are not options. In the kingdom of God, there is a standard of excellence for exaltation. It requires valiant discipleship! There is no room for average or complacent disciples. Average is the enemy of excellence, and average commitment will prevent you from enduring to the end." This is some pretty strong stuff, it's hard sometimes to be valiant. I think that we need to remember though that we have to look at things from an eternal perspective and God loves us and knows how hard it is and as long as we're doing our very best, no matter how far from perfection we feel we are still valiant in His sight and if we let Him be our coach and guide we will be able to make it safely through the course.

"If you are struggling, confused, or spiritually lost, I urge you to do the one thing I know will get you back on track. Begin again to prayerfully study the Book of Mormon and live its teachings every day, every day, every day! I testify of the profound power in the Book of Mormon that will change your life and strengthen your resolve to follow Christ. The Holy Ghost will change your heart and help you see 'things as they really are.'" I love when we get these promises during General Conference because I know that they are blessings from the Lord to help us in our lives. So I'd like to say that I know what Elder Pearson says is true and offer up the challenge that no matter where we are in our scripture reading or study of the Book of Mormon we make a goal to improve our daily reading of it in someway. It could be committing to a daily study of a verse or moving a verse to a chapter or
committing to two minutes or moving it to 10, it could be trying to read through 2nd Nephi all the way :-), it could be searching out topics that you want to know more about, there are so many things that we can all do to do just a little more and feel more of God's love and blessings.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

30 Days of Grateful Living: Day 1

This past Sunday my thoughts at church were drawn to the need for greater gratitude in my life. As I pondered it I realized that the simple act of trying to be more grateful would help or even solve many of the problems that I've been struggling with. So because I need some accountability I'm sharing my goal to live more gratefully. Although I want it to keep going for much longer than the 30 days, I figured a month is certainly something I can do and if I can do it, that means pretty much anyone can do it.

If you want to start with me all you'll need is a journal and something to write with. Don't worry about it being any particular size or shape or if it's plain or fancy, grab what you have and keep it simple!

Every day over the next month I'm going to write down in my journal the things I'm thankful for. It's as simple as that to begin with. For Day 1 I'm going to start with the most important things to me.
  • Today I am thankful for EC because:
  • Today I am thankful for Monkey because:
  • Today I am thankful for Tiger because:
  • Today I am thankful for Bear because:
  • Today I am thankful for Heavenly Father because:
I'm starting with those and will include each of them every day because my family and my Heavenly Father are the most important things in my life and as I look at how thankful I am for them I know I will see how much I am blessed and loved and my relationships with them will improve.

Monday, May 25, 2015


Just wanted to add my gratitude for the solders who have died trying to protect the freedoms of our country and their families and friends who suffer personally every day because of the hatred and greed of the nations of the world. I won't get into all the politics of it but the truth is that war is costly and what it costs most is the lives of some of our very best men and women. So yes, I'm going to spend today enjoying my family and friends and even some BBQ but not without remembering why I've been so blessed.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Life's Little Lessons: Cleaning the Lint Trap

Isn't it amazing the things we sometimes just don't know. As I'll admit freely I've got a lot to learn about all this homemaking stuff. There are so many little odds and ends that I'm picking up every day.

One of my most recent ones was dealing with my dryer. For way too long I've been struggling with it - all my clothes kept catching on the corner of the lint filter, it's ruined a fair share of clothes by pulling off stings and straps or creating holes and I just couldn't figure it out. Finally I decided I'd had enough and took a closer look. Common sense told me that the lint filter should be sitting farther down in the trap then it was. I'd been cleaning what I could see though and it didn't make a difference. I decided to see what happened if I put an old toothbrush down deeper into it. Sure enough I started pulling out gobs and gobs of lint. It was stuff that I just couldn't see or get to any other way. After I spent some time on it and got everything I could out low and behold the filter fit back into to the trap and the problem was solved.

I've been trying to make an effort and think about how my little daily experiences can teach me more about life. Well, sometimes I think we feel good when we make sure our visible areas are clean and taken care of but we forget to really reach down deep and fix the stuff that's hard to get. When we leave that stuff there eventually it builds up and starts damaging things. The good thing is that with a little time and effort all that stuff can be cleaned out and even though we may not always be able to fix the damage that's been done we can keep from creating further problems.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Internet Safe - Facebook Apps

"What kind of flower are you?
"What time period of history do you belong in?"
"What city should you live in?"
"Can we guess your age in twenty questions?"

I've seen hundreds of these quizzes on Facebook. Things have gotten busier over the past few years but especially when Bear was little I would often kill time with them.  They're just ridiculous fun, right? I'd always kind of wondered what about that question about access to your personal information that comes up before the quiz starts. Then I happened to notice that a lot of those quizzes showed up as apps on my Facebook Sidebar - years later. It got me thinking a little bit.

So maybe I'm overcautious or even to a degree possibly paranoid but the stories are out there of hackers and the like who can access our online personal information and use it in ways that I don't even want to think about. Well, the other week I was reading an article about a woman who by some chance discovered pictures that she had posted of her daughter had been hacked and used in very inappropriate ways. The article didn't say how the pictures were obtained but it made me think about my privacy settings on Facebook and I looked again at all those apps for question sites and games that were just sitting on my sidebar.

Did you know that most of those apps granted all sorts of access to not only my account by anyone on my friends list as well? Many of them included:

  • My public profile
  • Relationships
  • Relationship interests
  • Birthday
  • Chat status
  • Notes
  • Work history
  • Status updates
  • Education history
  • Events
  • Groups
  • Groups you manage
  • Hometown
  • Interests
  • Current city
  • Photos – including photos I am tagged in
  • Religious and political views
  • Videos
  • Website
  • Personal description
  • Likes
  • My friends relationship status
  • My friends relationship interests
  • My friends birthdays
  • My friends chat statuses
  • Notes my friends share with me
  • My friends status updates that are shared with me
  • Friends work histories
  • Friends education histories
  • Events shared with me by friends
  • Friends groups
  • Friends hometowns
  • Friends interests
  • Friends locations
  • Friends photos that are shared with me
  • Friend’s religious and political views
  • Friends’ videos that are shared with me
  • Friends descriptions
  • Friends likes
Anyone else think that's a whole lot of personal information? I realize that most of those questionnaires and games were totally innocent but personally I decided I wasn't ok with giving some unknown entity access to all of that so I removed access and deleted almost all of those apps.  There is also a place under apps where you can control and limit the access to your account that your friends apps have even if your friends don't change their settings. 

Like I said, I'm probably paranoid a bit but I just figure that even though I'm pretty cautious with what I post online, it can't hurt anything to be a little more aware and take some safety precautions.