Saturday, May 30, 2015

30 Days of Grateful Living: Day 5

Like everyone else I've had trials come and go throughout my life. Times where the world seemed cold and dark and I just didn't know what to do. The most memorable of these for me was May of 2011. Within one month EC's father died, my mother died, we had a horrible stomach bug go through all of us (while we were traveling to be there for my mom's last days), and I found out that I was going to be having a baby again only to find out a little while later at our first ultrasound that there was no heartbeat and I would be miscarrying. I won't get into all the details of everything that we went through but it was hard. There were blessings in all of that as well though. We grew closer together as a family, we were blessed extremely by our friends, and God made it clear that He was still in charge and loved us. We learned that with God we were stronger than all of those trials.

So anyways, I couldn't talk about gratitude without expressing my gratitude for trials. It doesn't mean I have to like them or seek them or be happy about them but I can appreciate and give thanks for opportunities to strengthen myself, my faith, and my relationships.

Today's challenge:
1. Continue recording how you are grateful for the members of your family and for God.
2. Write down a trial you faced and how it has blessed you.
3. Find a way to act on your gratitude.

*as I went to post this on my FB page I found this clip and knew I had to include it!

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