Friday, May 29, 2015

30 Days of Grateful Living: Day 4

Welcome to Day 4 of our Grateful Living Challenge!

Yesterday's challenge ended up being just the right thing for me for the day. Throughout the day I'd been trying to be more proactive in choosing how to use my time but it was still a struggle because it felt like so much of what was going on was being decided for me by circumstance or necessity so most of the day was just trying to get done what had to get done. Thankfully EC must have seen the crazy lady look in my eyes when he came home and after dinner he took Monkey and Tiger out with him to go get some errands done so I had 3 hours with just Bear. Instead of just letting the time just pass I had to decide what I was going to do with those 3 hours that I was being blessed with to make the most of them

So for Day 4's Challenge I wanted to think about being grateful for our homes. When I was about 12 my grandmother's Christmas present was taking us on a cruise where we visited different parts of Central and South America. My own family had always struggled financially and too often I had a negative opinion of our home compared to the ones my friends and the other kids at school had. While visiting those other places I got to see first hand just how blessed my family was. I saw too many places where the majority of homes were shantys and shacks.

Those lessons can be easily enough forgotten though. It's just too easy to compare our homes to those around us and wish that they were bigger, cleaner, more organized, in a better location, and the list could go on and on. Even in the United States the number of people that experience homelessness are devastatingly sad.  (Although I have to qualify that with saying that in my opinion even one person that has to experience this is one too many - here are some actual statistics.) So today instead of grumbling about the things that still have to be done or lamenting that we aren't pottery-barn perfect let's just appreciate what we have and work to take care of what we've been blessed with.

Today's Challenges:
1. Continue recording things that are family members and God have done for us.
2. Write down what are are thankful for in regards to our homes.
3. Find a way to act on our gratitude.

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