The other day I was helping someone. An
extremely sweet sister that I hadn't met before who had
suddenly found herself in a hard place and time and needed help
desperately and on short notice.
It's not the first time I've gotten
those calls. Sometimes I haven't even gotten an actual call but had a
prompting or passing request- either way as the “calls” come they have resulted in a
variety of different things. I've brought meals, watched children,
driven people to places, helped people move, picked up groceries,
took care of animals, and just sat and chatted.
I've always loved the opportunity to
serve others. I've never once regretted going and doing (although I
have unfortunately regretted plenty of times when I've missed that opportunity
for one reason or another). I've often found that I was blessed even
more than the person I was trying to help. I love getting to know
people better, lifting someone's day, and for my tiny part knowing
that the world is brighter because I did something to help.
I hope that doesn't sound conceited or
trite because I wasn't the only one who answered the call in this
case and it was amazing to see how each of us were able to be there
and what we were able to bring in the way of help and how each of us
were needed. In the midst of my pure exhaustion that followed I had a
thought - What if I hadn't been able to serve? What if I was too busy
with other things? What if I didn't have the
physical/emotional/mental/spiritual/temporal resources available that
she needed? Would she have suffered because I wasn't able to serve?
What would I have missed?
I almost broke down in tears of
gratitude to my Savior. I thought of all the times I wanted to help but didn't or couldn't and I was so thankful that at least this once I had been prepared to
be able to help. I'm not sure I could have done what I did even
just a few months ago and the thought was painful to me. Maybe
someone else could have been there and everything would have been
fine without me, it probably would have. Maybe they could have helped
better than I did. But maybe not. Maybe I was the only one who could
have done what I did and that small bit for whatever it was worth would have been left undone.
The Lord has blessed me with a treasure
chest. It's my job to take care of it and fill it up with the things
I need though. If I want to be able to help I have to have the
knowledge and strength and resources to be there. I have to be busy
filling up my treasure chest so that when others need something I am
ready and able to share. It's just logic that you can't give what you
don't have.
Now I don't think that God expects us
to have everything right today that someone may ever possibly need
from us or that we alone have to save the world. He
gives each of us different gifts and different needs and what I'm
expected to be able to give now will be different than what I might
be expected to give 30 years from now. But God knows what we're
capable of doing and I think that He wants each of us to be doing our
very best. I don't want to have to get to the eternities and realize
that I missed opportunities to serve and love and bless because I was
too busy or lazy and hadn't prepared myself or didn't even realize that there was a need. The prophets have taught
to get out of debt, provide for the future, take care of our homes
and families, to take scripture into our hearts, to learn all that we
can, and stay close to the Spirit. I think those are all things that
I can work on bit by bit each day to help fill my treasure chest so I
won't have to come up empty handed and can be satisfied that I truly did give all I could.
I am just so thankful that I was here,
I was ready to answer the call and I was able to serve because of
what I've been blessed with largely because of promptings that have
come through the Holy Ghost. That means so much to me. I still have a
lot that I can be doing to fill my treasure chest up but the other
day I truly felt like I could not have been more blessed.