Monday, August 4, 2014

Monday Gospel Musings: Having Christ's Truth

Yesterday at church I was given some food for thought. It's simple enough but I keep mulling it around in my head. The thought is this - as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints I believe that our church is the only church to have the fullness of Christ's Gospel or in other words all of His Truth.

I've believed that pretty much all of my life. What got me yesterday was that I have to confess that sometimes Latter-day Saints say that or think that in sort of a prideful way as if it makes us better than everyone else. Logically that just isn't true. Here's why - yes, we are the only church to have the fullness of Christ's Gospel. For me I can't even state that as an opinion. I just know it is true. However I also know something else to be true - there are also lots of other religions and people who have lots of Christ's truth as well and that's where things can get a little sticky for us if we're not careful with how we think about things.

Since I'm probably not making much sense yet here is a comparison that I started thinking about. Two friends are in an English class together. One friend has the whole textbook to study and learn from. The other friend for one reason or another has only half of the text book. The first friend who has the whole textbook available ignores most of it and doesn't go to class thinking that it's okay because they still have all the information available to them. The second friend who only had half of the book studies it intently and always shows up for class, listens, and takes notes. In the end - which friend will do better in the class?

In the end I think it doesn't matter so much how much how much truth we have available to us as much as what we do with what we have. I believe that there are many people out there that aren't of my faith that do some pretty amazing and incredible things. I believe in the end we will each be responsible for acting on whatever truths we've been given. It should never be a matter of pride but of great responsibility. 

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