Monday, July 14, 2014

Musings on this Topsy-Turvy Thing Called Life

So the past few weeks around here have been some of the most topsy-turvy that I can recall. Although over all things have gone really well and it’s been a really good summer, so far it’s just been absolutely nothing like I had expected. No really, it feels like every time that I feel like I’ve got a plan for the day or some expectation of how things should work out it doesn’t go anything like I had imagined.

Time and time again our best laid plans have had to been abandoned completely or altered significantly. I finally got to the point on Saturday when we had another day that ended up taking a completely different direction where I could laugh and just go with the flow. It’s interesting because the first couple of times that stuff like this started happening I was full of all sorts of negative emotions. I even spent almost a whole day needing to physically distance myself from one of the kids because I was so upset with them because their actions caused us to have to completely give up on the plans we had made for the day. I knew it wasn’t really altogether their fault but it took a while for me to get to that point where I could handle it like an adult instead of wanting to throw a temper tantrum!

When stuff like this happens I try and distance myself a bit from the situation and think about what it is that I can learn from it. I’m still not sure really why but I’ve got a few ideas.

First, I need to remember that God is in control – not me. This one can be hard for me at times. I’m what you might call a wee bit of a control freak. Which basically means I freak out when I don’t feel in control. Which usually means I spend a lot of time freaking out. Somewhere in the back of my mind though I know that His ways and plans are always much better than mine and I’ve got to learn to let go and trust in Him.

Second, sometimes it’s the effort that counts. So many of the things that I felt went really wrong were times that I had really wanted to do something good and it just didn’t happen the way I thought it would. I got really frustrated focusing on the time, energy, and resources that went into these things was wasted. In the end I have to believe that in someway those good efforts are never really wasted. The Apostle Paul put it this way, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God.” Romans 8:28.

Third, it’s important to be able to be flexible. I once heard the saying, “blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.” Like it or not stuff does just seem to happen. If we can learn to make the most of whatever it is that we’re given and enjoy it then we’ll be much better off than if we complain and grumble about it. It also brings to mind the lines from the serenity prayer. “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change…”

In the end I think God makes the most of whatever we give Him. It’s not our job to try and figure everything out and plan it all perfectly – because we can’t. We don’t know what those twists and turns will be or how something may affect things in the future. It’s our job to give our best to Him and allow Him to make the most of it. I know that I’m not done learning from the twists and challenges we’ve faced over the past little while but I think I’ll take some advice from Kronk and put my hands in the air the next time that roller coaster of life catches me off guard!

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