Monday, July 21, 2014

Calling Poison Control

So tonight we had to call the poison control hotline. Again. This is the third time I’ve had to do it. Once was because Tiger had taken some of the antibiotics meant for Monkey. Another was because one of the kids decided to eat half a tube of toothpaste. Tonight Bear found the kids gummy multi-vitamins and decided to feast on about half of the bottle – around 50-80 of the little guys. Little guy is getting more and more clever I tell you, he’s a good kid but I think I’m going to have a handful managing his curiosity.

Anyways, the people on the hotline are awesome. They really are. Each time they’ve calmly checked everything out and thankfully each time we’ve been told everything would be all right. Somehow they even manage to not laugh at my paranoia. At least not while I'm on the line. I bet they have some funny stories to tell though. Tonight was the closest call because Bear is so little but thankfully there’s no iron in the vitamins so the worst they said should be a really upset stomach with maybe some constipation or vomiting. All in all, he enjoyed his feast and hasn’t shown any signs of it having phased him at all yet!

So any parents out there – have you had to call poison control for something random like toothpaste or vitamins?

If you haven't had to call yet, be thankful but just remember the number is usually in the front pages of any phone book and don't be afraid just to check things out even if it seems crazy. Better safe than sorry. 

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