If you’ve
been following my blog or just know me very well you might know that not only
do I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints but I absolutely
love our General Conferences. General Conference is a chance for church members
and pretty much anyone else to hear the words of living prophets. They testify
of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and share with us His words to help us lead better
lives full of happiness and peace and love. It just doesn’t get much better!
Over the next while I want to share some of my thoughts from General
Conference, mostly as a review for myself but also for anyone who might be
interested. So today we begin!
The first talk I’m going to review comes from the Women’s Conference Session that took place on September 27, 2014. The talk was given by the Relief Society General President, Linda K. Burton titled “Prepared in a Manner That Had Never BeenKnown”
There are so many wonderful things that come to my mind as I read through this message. Like I said, mostly I’m just reviewing and recording my thoughts and ideas so I’m just going to bring up points and ideas here and there from the things that Sister Burton said.
First she brings up the idea of a young woman being prepared to enter the temple and make sacred covenants on her wedding day. To know my thoughts on this one I should share a bit about myself. My EC and I were married when I was just 20. We’d only really been dating for 6 months and had planned our wedding in 3. In the 6 months prior to this I’d moved twice across country and didn’t really have roots anywhere. We never got to go through a temple prep class or pre-marriage counseling. I didn’t even know the Bishop or Stake President who did my interviews. I can look back now and thankfully things have worked out. Honestly, I don’t know how it could have worked any other way with how things were at the time but I really wish we would have had those opportunities to prepare together before beginning our life together. I am thankful that I had been prepared in other ways. Since I was a child I had learned the importance of temples and prayer and scriptures so I wasn’t totally a fish out of water. Still I was so nervous and uncertain I’m sure I didn’t hear half of what was going on. Thankfully we can go back often and as we do we can learn and re-learn.
The next thing that Sister Burton talked about was the parable given by the Savior in Matthew 25 of the 10 Virgins. She says, “I don’t think there is anyone, especially among those with tender hearts, who doesn’t feel sad for the foolish young women. And some of us just want to say to the others, ‘Can’t you just share so everyone can be happy?’ But think about it. This is a story the Savior told, and He is the one who calls five of them ‘wise’ and five of them ‘foolish.’” She goes on to compare it to personal preparation for the temple.
Honestly I’ve had those exact questions before, why would the women be shut out? Why would the Savior tell us that He would close the door if we weren’t prepared and on time. I thought the Savior was supposed to be accepting of everyone. How does this story fit in with all His pleas to “come” unto Him? I think I’m finally beginning to get some of it though. The Savior acts out of love in every possible circumstance. If He chooses to shut a door before us it’s because we’re not ready for what’s beyond it. What would have happened to those women if they had been let in late to the feast how would it have affected or changed them? These women were likely dreaming of their own wedding ceremonies and feasts no doubt a closed door had a very significant effect on their dreams and how they prepared themselves. Perhaps they would have felt awkward and out of place at the feast and wanted to leave anyways? Perhaps they would have embarrassed themselves? Perhaps the closed door helped them understand the importance of being ready the next time where an exception would have allowed them to continue on in their foolish misunderstanding of the importance of the event. This is especially important in the context of temple blessings. If we enter the temple without being prepared there will be consequences that can last an eternity and not only for us but for generations to come.
Sister Burton next went onto expound on how we can add oil to our spiritual lamps so that we might be prepared for the temple and making and keeping covenants. Some of the things that she lists that we can do include: attending sacrament meetings, fasting, family prayer, home teaching, controlling bodily appetites, preaching the gospel, reading scriptures, acts of dedication to the Lord, acts of obedience, deeds of kindness, paying tithes and offerings, having chaste thoughts and actions, and doing all those small and simple righteous things diligently and continually over time.
She also mentioned the importance of making our homes as much like the temple as possible in its sacredness as part of spiritually preparing our children. As a mother this one of course hit home to me. I’ve seen so much recently with the attitude that a disorganized and messy home means that there is love because the mother spent time with her children while a clean one shows neglected children or a parent who is overly perfectionist and over controlling. Part of me understands that thinking and my own home shows quite a bit of the choices that I’ve felt I’ve had to make. In thinking about it especially with this talk and in connection with other things recently I believe that this idea can be quite damaging actually. Somehow we’ve gotten this idea that we have to choose between a clean house and time with our children. For most of my parenting and even at most moments now that’s certainly what seems to be the obvious way of looking at it. I have come to believe however that a clean home can show just as much if not more love for our children in reality. If we’re looking at things the Lord’s way He wants us to do both and so what happens if we choose to do it together? Recently I started washing the dishes by hand again. Interestingly one night Monkey decided to join me. She and I had such fun working and sharing the job together she didn’t want to stop and she couldn’t wait to do it again. She’s even convinced Tiger to help out now so we are all doing them together and we have fun and learn as we work together (except for Bear, he just wants to empty all the cabinets as we’re putting things away!) It really is so simple and yet so beautiful. It’s just one area that we’ve been able to implement this but I can’t wait to find ways to expand it. I really do think that part of the Lord’s plan is that we teach and share joy as we work together not just play together.
The last thought I had while reading Sister Burton’s talk was about this concept of blessings coming from our preparations. There are many blessings that come as we are prepared to worthily enter the temple some are obvious and some less so. Thinking about those 5 wise virgins I see women who did what they could and were blessed accordingly. One blessing that came to my mind was in connection with the concept of the oil. The 5 had prepared the best they could and then waited patiently. One of their blessings was perhaps the same as that as the widow woman of Zarephath. They were blessed that their oil would not run out. In the case of the widow woman, we can see that it was a blessing not only to her but to her family as well. If we do what we can each day to serve the Lord and follow the guidance of our Prophet our oil will not run out the Lord will bless us for our efforts and with us our families. I really believe that. As we do what we can to prepare ourselves and our families for the blessings that await in the temple our testimonies will be continually refilled and no matter how long we wait in the night or how long the famines last we will have enough to see us through.
Sister Burton ended with this great thought, “May we prepare to worthily receive saving ordinances drop by drop and keep the associated covenants wholeheartedly. As we do so, I know we will qualify to receive the promised blessings of a fullness of the Holy Ghost and the power of the Lord in our homes and individual lives.”